Jul 10, 2009

You bitch!!!!

Guess what? We had freakin' choir pract today. That sucks... I went to school early, found out I was half an hour early. That sucks again... So I went to choir as usual. But today I was more angry that anything. I went sat down. Then suddenly that bitch came in. It blew me to the ceiling. Everything sort of happened like this....

Time: 12.30
Venue: School Library
We were all happily going to choir. Except for me. So we go in, sit down. Wait.

"Ok, today we learn a new song...." blablabla says MIss Jenny.
Then all of a sudden, Miss Faith the Bitch came in.
i looked at my sister. She was tearing up.

Before I knew it she stromed out of the room. I followed her.
Everyone was kindda on her side. So she got angry. And you readers will know the rest...

I've already told you...

Jul 4, 2009

What a to do...

He's killing me.
Eating me alive.
Biting me bit by bit.
I can't forget him.
I've tried, and now I'm tired.
He flowed back to me.
Closing the door in my mind.
It's stuck.
I can't get it out.

Why does he creep back?
Why does he stay here?
I'm trying to forget him.

Why is he so bad?
What have done wrong?
I'm trying to forget him.