Jul 10, 2009

You bitch!!!!

Guess what? We had freakin' choir pract today. That sucks... I went to school early, found out I was half an hour early. That sucks again... So I went to choir as usual. But today I was more angry that anything. I went sat down. Then suddenly that bitch came in. It blew me to the ceiling. Everything sort of happened like this....

Time: 12.30
Venue: School Library
We were all happily going to choir. Except for me. So we go in, sit down. Wait.

"Ok, today we learn a new song...." blablabla says MIss Jenny.
Then all of a sudden, Miss Faith the Bitch came in.
i looked at my sister. She was tearing up.

Before I knew it she stromed out of the room. I followed her.
Everyone was kindda on her side. So she got angry. And you readers will know the rest...

I've already told you...